Kathy's Writing Sample

Kathy has recently completed a piece of writing with no help from the teacher.  Then Miss Nichols looks at my writing to see:
-If I can write about something I have done
- If I have used interesting words
- If I can write one or more compound sentence 
- If I can form my letters correctly
- If I can use capital letters and full stops
- If i can recognise and write most sounds in at least one way
- If I can use blends, word chunks and word endings to spell words I am not sure of
- If I can write word endings correctly
- If I can plan for writing using talk, words or pictures
- If I can reread my story as I write to check that it makes sense

Kathy's Writing Goal:
Make my letters the right size

PE (jumping)

To prepare ourselves for the Run, Jump, Throw day we have been practising our jumping skills as part of action stations.

We are learning to: jump using two feet to land on objects

"Wow Kathy you are doing excellent at jumping to the spots!" - Miss Nichols


WALT: read books we know with fluency

- Speak clearly and slowly

- Remember all of the words
- Use sound-letter knowledge to help us when we get stuck
- Self correct if we make a mistake


We are learning to: count up to and past 50

Success Criteria:
- know which numbers come before
- know which numbers come after
- say the numbers correctly

Athletics with our big buddies

This term we are practicing our athletics skills during breakout and with our big buddies on a Friday as well! We are practicing our running, jumping and throwing skills. We need to be able to throw underarm and overarm, jump with two feet together and run at a good pace while dodging objects. 

Sun Safety

We are learning to publish and blog our own writing.

We are learning:
- How to take a good video
- How to speak slowly and clearly
- How to use the blogger junior app on the IPAD to publish our own writing

Te Reo Māori

We are learning to
  • say the Kākano whakatuauki in Te Reo
We will know we are successful when we
  • say the words, not shout
  • say the Te Reo words correctly

CARE Values

We are learning to show the CARE values in different parts of the school...

I show ACTIVE THINKING in the library by choosing appropriate books for me.

I show RESPECT in assembly by listening respectfully and sitting quietly.

I show RESPECT in the library by communicating quietly and respectfully and handling books with care.

Handwriting Term 2

We are learning to form our letters correctly.

This week we are learning about the letter 'u'.

I know how to write the letter u by making a cup shape and then a short stick.

I know the sound letter u makes and a word that begins with letter u

Probability - Maths Term 2

We have been learning to use everyday language to talk about the chance of something happening. We have read lots of different fairy tales and talked about things we 'will' see, 'might' see and 'won't' see. We also learnt other words like maybe, could, definitely, probably, certainly, perhaps, never, always, possible and impossible.

Our final challenge was to work with a buddy to draw pictures that we 'will' see, 'might' see and 'won't' see in a fairy tale of our choice. We had to work together to decide by listening to each other. Here is a photo of our final drawings and where we decided the pictures belonged.

Katherine, Leah and Elliot:

Term 2 Reading

I am learning to find words that end with 'ed'

I know the sound 'ed' makes at the end of a word. This can help me to self-correct when I am reading.

"I can see looked twice!"

Term 2 Writing

We have been learning about animals and their habitats. We have been learning about lots of different animals and where they live. We decided to choose an animal and write a poem about it...

We tried to think of interesting words to use in our poems and practiced forming our letters correctly.

Great writing Kathy! Well done at forming your letters for your poem.

Numicon Maths

We are learning to: create our own numicon number line

- recognise the numicon shapes
- understand what number each shape represents
- order them correctly

Showing Community in the playground

We have been learning how we can show COMMUNITY in the playground. One way we can show community is by taking turns and using the equipment fairly.

"Here is Kathy sharing the bars with Paige. She is waiting for her to get to the end patiently!"

Term One Writing

We are learning to: say and write the sounds we can hear in words

Multi-cultural day!

On Multi-cultural day we went to the hall and learnt about Japanese culture.
We  learnt how to write our name in Japanese which is called Katakana. 

Super effort Kathy! Your writing is so neat.